Monday, July 20, 2020

Distance Learning Zoom Expectations Story for Little Learners

Today I am including a zoom expectations story that is editable for you to start off the school year.  This story is geared towards our little learners as many of you begin the year with distance learning.  I created this story as I experienced many of these situations during Spring 2020 distance learning.  I plan to begin day one with this digital story and then practice and reinforce each of these expectations just as I would practice and reinforce expectations in the classroom such as carpet expectations, center expectations or hallway expectations.   Practicing to reinforce these expectations before we use zoom meetings for actual lessons will set the students up for success in the most rewarding way!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Create Bitmoji Headers in Google Keep

Have you used GOOGLE KEEP to help you stay organized! No more losing sticky notes or leaving sticky notes behind when you have a real time sticky notes to access right from your phone.  It's great with grocery lists too because you can share it with the family and they can update the list even while you shop.  How about creating a list to share with coworkers so you can divide and conquer all those tasks at work?  It's a game changer! Here is a tutorial for you to create a make your lists and notes fun!    

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trending Books to Begin the School Year 2020


Are you looking for kid-friendly books that help students understand about Coronavirus and how to social distance? Welllllllll, here you go! Here are my top book recommendations when school starts back this August.

Click the title for the the link to each book:

A Little Spot Stays Home